Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Compromise – key to developing strong relationships

Recently, I had to compromise on a decision that was very important to me. I’m usually a pretty low key, go with the flow kind of girl. But on this one, I planted my feet in and flat out refused to cooperate. I tried reasoning. I tried begging. I tried coming up with alternative options. None of it worked. In the end, I gave in and made the compromise.

But, I’ve got to admit, I learned a few things.

What compromise is not:

  • A license to say “I told you so” later
  • An excuse to pout after the decision is made
  • A stick to hold over the other party’s head, so that they remember they owe you one later

I found out that what compromise is, is one of the best ways to build a strong relationship and gain an ally. When someone recognizes that you are conceding a lot to go with their decision, you’ll earn a little respect. When you take their decision and run with it like it was your own (instead of trudging along, still holding a grudge that you didn’t get your way), you’ll earn a loyal friend.

And honestly? After a few weeks to think about it, I think the decision we made was right after all.


Unknown said...

I have similar problems. Thanks for sharing. I have added you to my life of "Ohio bloggers".

Rees said...

Thanks Jim! Glad I'm not the only one :)