Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Start something up

I spent last weekend in the company of some amazing people. Seventeen of us got together through a neat event called Startup Weekend, and over the course of three days, figured out how a web solution for solo-preneurs would work. (I wrote about what actually happens at Startup Weekend here, at the TechLife Columbus Blog).

It was pretty close to my dream environment for ideas. Everyone felt free to shout out ideas and opinions. No one acted as an idea killer or a nay - sayer. We focused. We worked as a team. We laughed. A lot. We ate excellent food and drank caffeinated water.

If I hadn't missed my family so much, I might have stayed forever.

It was truly amazing how much we got accomplished. I believe that's the power of a safe place for ideas.

Do you lead a team? Take a minute to make sure that everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas, and shut down your idea killers (even if it's you). I guarantee you'll get a lot more done, and everyone will have more fun doing it.

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