Thursday, April 24, 2008

Don’t forget that ideas = $$$

Getting more ideas often equals making more cash. In fact, everyone’s talking about it right now, although they don’t call it “ripening your ideas.” That’s just my hokey terminology. The sleek and shiny business buzzword for it is innovation. But it’s the same thing. Don’t let all this talk of innovation intimidate you.

People that innovate, or get more ideas, had to practice to become good at it just like everyone else. Sure, some people have more natural talent than others, but anyone that is the best at something got that way from practicing.

To start practicing, remember our steps for having more ideas.

Step 1: Stop killing your own ideas
Step 2: Stop killing other people's ideas

Pretty soon, you won't just be getting more ideas. You'll be innovating. And they pay people a lot for that nowadays, in our outsourced economy.

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