Thursday, August 14, 2008

Building more ideas, part V - Third Support

Third in our idea support system is Collaboration. Read and Apply is a great source to get a lot of other people's ideas, but isn't very interactive. By collaborating with other people, you get the benefit of their ideas, but also the rewards of the push and pull of growing ideas together.

Get out and talk to people. It isn't that hard. People love to talk about themselves and their ideas. Join a club. Talk to a new colleague. Volunteer with a charity.

All of these interactions will be valuable, but every once in a while you'll find someone that you click with. A person who wants to dream big just like you. Try to surround yourself with those people, and watch your ideas take off.

Don't forget to give back too. Help when you can. Offer to make introductions and give information. Be available to someone else who wants help getting more ideas.

How can you increase your quality interactions with others?

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