Friday, November 14, 2008

Help a fella out

Hey - everyone's belly aching about the economy now a days. And with good reason. I've got at least five friends whose jobs have been affected. Chances are, you know someone in the same situation.

So what can you do? It's simple. As you're out talking with people and networking, add one standard question to your small talk line up:

"Is your company hiring anyone right now?"

If they are, then this is your opportunity to help out your friends. Offer to send contact info (get a resume - even better) to the hiring company and pass along the company info to your out of work friends. The connection you create might just be the one to get them a new job.

It only takes minutes and could mean all the difference to someone you care about.

So hey - is your company hiring anyone right now? If so, I know some great candidates. Here are their skill sets:

  • Exercise and personal training
  • Billing and administration
  • Marketing communications
For more info, just mail me.

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